
Showing posts from March, 2022

first draft movie opener


Editing week 2

This week I worked with the light a little before moving on to the second part of my intro. I focused on making the movie look as smoothly as possible. I'm trying to make the movie look very professionally. This is my first time making a real comedy, I have made other small films for my tv production class last year so I have a some experience with premiere pro so I have caught myself going and watching other movie intro to ensure that I make the most of this film.  

Editing week 1

 I'm first starting off with working with the audio in including the music that is playing in the background also playing around with different sounds to in the end have the goofiest audio to ensure the audience understand the movie is comedy. Also Working with the transitions like dissolve category to make the opening the best and not just flat out starting with the clip of the rip. This week I mostly worked on the first 45 seconds to a minute of the intro than the next week finish off the rest.